
Anyone can make music (yes, you too!) And music is most fun played together.

Music Lessons

Photo by Dylan Ladds

I teach tunes and ensemble-playing skills for all instruments. I also teach basic accordion and fiddling technique in Old-time and Quebecois styles. On these instruments, I teach ornamentation and styling, with a focus on dance-ability. I also include instruction on chording, back-up, and tune variations. Lessons can be individual, or small-group.

I want my students to have fun and feel successful so it’s important for me to hear about your goals and hopes. I’ll have you fill out a brief questionnaire when we begin, and we can return periodically as your needs evolve. 

Lessons are held at my home in South Portland. Be warned - we will have fun!


I teach one-shot workshops monthly on various skills. Here’s what’s coming up:

Playing for Dancers, September 28th, 12:30-2

Portland Friends Meeting House, on Forest Ave

Sliding scale $15-25-30

What makes dancers whoop and holler? Bring your ideas, and come hear mine. We’ll try everything out and hopefully make each other whoop, too. We’ll use Reign of Love (Em) and Liza Jane (A) - so brush up on those before class.

Portland Friends Meeting House, Forest Ave

All classes are sliding scale $15-30, Paypal etroll@wesleyan.edu

Photo by Dylan Ladds